Due Diligence
Questions about how we can help with Due Diligence?
Contact person
Jeff McNutt
Email Address
Phone Number

Due Diligence
Understanding a property’s viability, opportunities and constraints in obtaining certain financial and design goals is a critical first step that must be taken economically with accuracy and clarity.
EPD first seeks to understand our client’s goals before embarking on due diligence activities so we can constantly measure a property’s potential in achieving these goals. Through rigorous and tested means, we analyze issues such as physical obstacles to development, including but not limited to existing and planned infrastructure locations and capacities, biological, cultural and site constructability concerns, planning and development policies that would affect a project design or entitlement process, entitlement processing schedules, fee estimating and political considerations. Through these examinations, we are able to quickly produce an initial assessment of site feasibility based on key factors specific to each client and type of development.
We provide thorough and robust analysis in support of entitlement strategy-setting and financing packages, creating confidence in project viability.
EPDs due diligence analysis spans many industries, from industrial to infill and master plan residential and solar energy generation.