Valley Fontana

Fontana, CA

FROM BLUEPRINT TO REALITY: EPD Solutions Drives Industrial Excellence

Project Description:
Spanning a 4.69-acre site, EPD Solutions was engaged to oversee and manage the entire project lifecycle for the development of a 96,002-square-foot industrial building located in the City of Fontana, San Bernardino County.

EPD Services: 

EPD Solutions managed the entitlement process, securing Design Review approval that involved close coordination with the City to ensure that all local regulations and design standards were fully met. 

The team prepared an Addendum to the Southwest Industrial Park Environmental Impact Report (EIR) as part of its CEQA compliance responsibilities. This addendum was crucial in addressing the specific environmental impacts associated with the project.  

  • Air Quality Analysis  
  • Health Risk Assessment  
  • Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Study  
  • Energy Impact Report  
  • Noise and Vibration Impact Analysis  

Traffic analysis was another important component of the project, given its industrial nature.  

  • Traffic Trip Generation Memo  
  • Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Screening Memo  
  • Several specialized studies and reports supported the environmental and design aspects of the project. These studies were managed by EPD and included a Cultural Resource Study and Paleontological Assessment, Geotechnical Report, Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment, and a Sewer Lateral CCTV Report. 

EPD managed the permitting process as well as coordinated and managed the design consultants – ensuring that all construction activities adhered to the project timeline and budget.  

EPD provided owner representation construction management services, entrusted to make the decisions that included the general contractor selection process, preparing bidding documents, reviewing project billings, and overseeing change orders, extending through to the final building inspection and the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy (COO).  

The successful completion of this project exemplifies EPD Solutions’ commitment to delivering comprehensive, top-tier services that meet the highest industry standards and ensures that our client’s vision is realized. From securing entitlements and managing complex CEQA compliance to overseeing traffic analysis and construction management, EPD ensured that every aspect of this 96,002-square-foot industrial development was completed on time, within budget, and in full regulatory compliance. Our ability to navigate intricate project requirements while coordinating with multiple stakeholders highlights the expertise and dedication we bring to every project.  





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