Serrano Business Park/ Prezero
Jurupa Valley, CA
EPD assisted the developer of the Serrano Business Park with post-entitlement permitting for three warehouse buildings totaling 327,000 SF on a 17.7-acre site. EPD managed approval of a tri-party cooperative agreement and storm drain plan approval through a flood control district, managed annexations to a Community Facilities District operated by the Jurupa Area Recreation and Parks District and to a Lighting and Landscape Maintenance District, and coordinated a review of water and wastewater plans by the Jurupa Community Services District. EPD processed a Parcel Map and obtained approval of building plans, grading plans, and offsite improvement plans. EPD also coordinated permitting activities with the Army Corps of Engineers (Nationwide Permit), California Department of Fish and Wildlife (Section 1600 Streambed Alteration Agreement), and Regional Water Quality Control Board (Section 401 Water Quality Certification).
The developer then site sold the three properties to PreZero, which is a globally active waste management company, as well as a driver of innovation for new technologies, systems and processes. PreZero focuses these innovations in the areas of recyclables and energy solutions. A specialization of PreZero is the generation of new manufactured product out of the recycled material they receive.
For PreZero’s operations, which included three different uses in each of the buildings, EPD managed the entitlement efforts to obtain 3 Conditional Use Permits and prepared a CEQA document and associated technical studies for the site plan modifications.
Square Feet